

I started to play guitar as a little kid and went to music high school in Graz, learning classical guitar. My interest in music continued and I started to study musicology, where I finished the bachelors programme. During my master studies of musicology I decided to shift my focus on actually creating music - thats when I started to play with my first Band Deadline Decision in 2016. My heart beats for songwriting, so I also took some singing lessons, and since I am always interested in learning something new, I joined several musical projects and self-taught myself further instruments (bass, a little bit of drums and piano). I hold a Master’s degree in Digital Humanities and a Joint Master’s Degree in German Medieval Philology. Currently I am a PhD candidate in Digital Humanities (Research Portal). Since 2019 I have been a research assistant at the Centre for Information Modelling (ZIM) at the University of Graz, currenty working in the project "Digital Edition of the Memoirs of Countess Luise Charlotte von Schwerin".

Musical education

2016-2022 taking private singing lessons

2012-2016 studying musicology

2007-2014 taking classical guitar lessons at Johann-Joseph-Fux Konservatorium Graz

2007-2012 music high school "Dreihackengasse"

2000-2007 taking guitar lessons

self-taught: bass, basic drum knowledge, basic piano knowledge

Academic Education

2022-now: Doctoral programme "Digital Humanities", University of Graz

2017-2021: Masters programme "Digital Humanities", University of Graz

2016-2019: Joint Masters programme "Deutsche Philologie des Mittelalters und der frühen Neuzeit", University of Graz and Bamberg

2012-2016: Bachelor programme "Germanistik", University of Graz

2012-2015: Bachelor programme "Musicology", University of Graz