
Getting honeyed and then stung by a swarm of bees - that's the sound of the grunge-pop band OXYJANE. Uncompromising, dirty walls of guitars meet a cheeky, tender voice and abrupt dynamic changes meet catchy melodies. After the release of the EP "Mint Condition", the debut album "0 2 9" has now been released on Numavi Records.
Interstellar Bungalow
Interstellar Bungalow create lo-fi pop pearls right from their living rooom couch. Smooth melodies, light-hearted, partly surreal lyrics and indie-rock harmonies accompanied by distorted guitars, garnished with noise outbursts. The results are stylistically diverse, melody-loving upbeat songs in a DIY guise.

Das Duo verwandelt Impressionen des Lebens in stimmungsvolle Harmonien und wiederkehrende Melodien – die Viosphere. Klänge einer Violine schweben in der Luft und fügen sich mit den Tiefen der Bassgitarre. Polaritäten schaffen eine emotional aufgeladene Atmosphäre. Stimmen rufen aus der Ferne, ihre Geschichten verschmelzen mit der Expressivität der Musik.